Saturday, July 7, 2012

Focusing elsewhere~health and appearances

I've made my final payment to the credit consolidation company.  From the moment the payments post at the end of this month, I will be finished with the crazy payments.  I might actually be able to take a Saturday off and do something that might cost a few bucks, like...treat myself to lunch or dinner, treat a couple friends since they have been treating me, go to the movies again, go out and do stuff!  Heck, all sorts of possibilities.  I am realistic about everything though.  Just because I am done with the ridiculous payments I still have another card I would like to pay down.  I still have lots of up keep on my car!  I have to pay off my car!!  That takes money-so I will be working some extra days for sure but at least it won't be a matter of life and death for me.  I have been working on feeling better, I've got my mental health in order and feel pretty good there.  It feels good to be in a balanced mental place again.  The stress and worry was going to do me in but I don't have to be quite so focused on the finances.
Now that I can turn my focus elsewhere, I noticed that the stress over that last several years have taken a serious toll on my appearance.  When this whole credit thing started, I was 37 years old but looked okay.  It's been seven years and I feel I don't look okay.  I look haggard and over weight.  So I have been working out regularly and changing my eating habits.  I am removing the stress of the payments, that will help tons!  But what I really needed was to make my face look better.
So I started a regime to get things in better condition for my face and skin tone.  I know it won't be a fountain of youth and I will never get the time back that I lost but I can at least feel better about myself and my appearance!  I also realize that eventually, I may just fork out money for a neck lift-truthfully my neck has always bothered me, even in high school and it was even worse after my car accident.  However, I would like to give it a go with the facial exercises and skin treatments first.  If there is a non-surgical solution, I am all for it!

So I will be blogging to track my progress for the next few months to see if there is any real noticeable progress.  The idea came to me when I was looking for items that would help bring my skin back to better condition.  It was the "before & after" pictures that really got me.  I could see clearly that the "after" pictures where always of slightly different angles, lighting and expressions than to the "before" photos.  I decided I would take the most unflattering pictures I could muster all the time and keep track of any hopeful progress that way.  So look at your own risk.  You have been warned.  

I've tried to keep the pictures consistent, and I suppose after a few weeks I will get a routine. The lighting is going to be tricky too but I will try my best for consistent photos.
  The first picture (Red shirt) was taken first day and June 28th.  The second series was taken today on July 7th.  You can see a very slight change which is something compared to nothing.  My skin is much more clear and firm with the fine lines almost gone, however I still have the deeper smile lines and the gross skin on my neck.  I will especially keep track of these for the next four months to see the results.  I think this will be a fun experiment :-).

Now to the Facial Experiment~
The stuff I decided to use on my face and neck are: Philosophy skin care (love this stuff!), Clarisonic system, Lightstim and Facial Flex.

*First thing I do in the morning and at night before I wash my face is do facial exercises.  I use the Facialflex for two or more minutes combining it with some other facial exercise.  I don't know why I do it first but it feels better when the skin is moisturized before doing the facial routine.  Then I can clean it properly.

*Now I have been using Philosophy products for years and I have always been a huge fan.  Their products are wonderful!  I highly recommend them and they help address all age related skin care needs.

*Unfortunately, I needed a bit more so I also enlisted the use of the Clarisonic.
I have read the opinions that are on both sides of the fence in regards to this hand held cleanser.  Some say it's fine to use each time you clean your face/skin and others say NO!  It will damage the skin so you should only use it at the most once a day.  I decided to take the middle route taking both sides into account and just use it at night before I use the lightstim machine.  I love the way the Clarisonic makes my skin feel.  It has definitely helped with the appearance of my skin and with some of the clogged pores.  That alone is worth the price of admission!  I've always had larger pores so I don't expect them to shrink up and give me porcelain skin-I'm keeping realistic expectations.  I just want healthy glowing
*The Lightstim is FDA approved in promoting the production of collagen in the skin.  It's a slow going process and will take months and has to be done religiously.  So this is what I do every evening.  Wash my face with the Philosophy(Purity made Simple) using my Clarisonic and with my skin uber clean-use the Lightstim for three minutes in the each of the areas that I want to promote the growth of collagen.  I watch television, decompressing while using it.  It's pretty relaxing and warm.  And when I'm finished it put on more Philosophy (When hope is not Enough) collection.

Now if I could just lose that 15 to 20 pounds-that would probably help a bunch as well!!

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