Sunday, September 7, 2014 we go

It has been quite a while since my last blog.  I didn't really update it because...well...there wasn't anything really worth blogging about.  Let's see... I believe the last time I wrote a blog I was just training my coworker to be the administrative assistant for the practice.  She did her very best and I helped where I could.  Things have changed and now they have switched us.  She is now the receptionist and I am now in the hot seat.

Honestly, I am not upset about this.

I welcome this change.  Now I don't have to talk to every single person that comes out of the elevator.  Not that this was a bad thing but when you are trying to focus on a tasks, it's a bit distracting.  Did  I mention that I can be very distractable when working on something that doesn't have my complete interest?  Yeah, that would be me. Not sitting in the window for me is a very good thing.  It's also a good thing for my coworker because she is the Social Butterfly.  She loves being friendly and personable.  I honestly can't say that for me.  I'm a bit more dry.  An acquired taste, if you will.

Now I track the doc's schedule and document credits and licenses for the practice as well as process reports and data entry.  Bonus: I don't have a window in front of me so I can focus on the many different things that I need to pay attention to.

Since there have been multiple people in this position since the original coworker, much of the paper work is no longer where it used to be.  Stuff has been shuffled and possible misfiled.  I need to reorganize and catalog everything.  I've been squirreling stuff away for this task for a couple years now.  It's like I knew this would come to pass and I would be doing it.'s like I'm psycho.  Or psychic...take your pick! ;-).

As for non-work related things.  Honestly, nothing is happening.  The Renaissance fair that I call home away from home is gearing up for another season.  Unfortunately, I will not be able to work it this year (again) due to my work schedule.  I really do have much to do at work but my not being able to work it is also due to the fact that I worry about my old car pooping out and the second biggest reason...I like being home on my day off.  I like cleaning my house and cooking food for the upcoming work week.  But I think these are partially self-made reasons.  But I am so torn.  I LOVE working fair.  I love the people that work the fair.  I love it all.  It truly is a wonderful thing but I just need to snap out of my self made bonds and excuses that I use to keep my from doing it.

I need to get it together.

What I really need to do is win the lottery.  I guess I would have to actually play to win.  There is that.  Money wouldn't solve everything, goodness knows I've seen what it does to people, but it would make things a bit easier for myself and those that I would gift to help them out too.

I can dream, can't I?

I've spent enough time goofing off.  Need to pack up the left overs from tonight's dinner for lunches for next week and settle down and get ready for my favorite program..The Strain!  I love the comics and I am loving the television series.  I love it enough to want to purchase the series when it's released on disk.  Yep, love it that much.

And maybe I will finish up a sock that I have been slacking on.  I just want to finish it so I can start the next one.  It's driving me crazy!!  But I need to also start on the holiday knitting too.  And start looking out for good gifts.  I've been thinking of making knit Christmas stockings for everyone and putting gifts in the.  It's just a though because that would suck up a lot of time.  Something to consider though.

Have a good week~
May it be creative and productive!