Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Morning mental meanderings....

Since I don't talk with everyone frequently and don't post everything as a facebook status-I will post a blog instead.

I received a phone call two weeks back from my biological father.  I almost answered the phone and I noticed the caller ID.  I decided to let him leave a message.  It had been about six years since I spoke with him or that side of the family last.  The message went: "This message is for Wendy.  This is your dad.  We will be moving to Minnesota next week.  Thought you ought to know.  Call me back" 
My first thought was, "Minnesota? Great, my sister will be a cheese head."  I had errands to run so I didn't call him back right away.  A couple days past and I started to think about the fact that it would really be the last time I spoke with him so I gave him a call back.  It was no surprise that nothing had changed except he retired and my sister is now a cake decorator and had received 4 job offers to consider when she moves with my dad.  I asked him why there and he told me because one of his sisters and family lives there and it will be cheaper. 
We had a nice little conversation and I wished everyone a safe journey and good luck.  After hanging up I thought about the irony of him moving away from California.  My Grandfather moved from Indiana during the "Great Depression" for the same reason and now that my dad is moving out of California.  I imagine he'll be able to visit family easier in Indiana now.  Indiana....the state of perpetual highway construction and Arby restaurants (my impression when driving through).  I wish them all good luck.

On to other things...
As most of you know, three weeks ago I got a Maine Coon mixed kitten through the pound via PetSmart.  Her name was listed as Alice.  I like the name and it suited her so I kept it.  She was sweet but extremely timid but has eventually has become a playful, loving spazz.  She was very thin when I picked her up to the point that I could feel her ribs and I was pretty concerned about it although you couldn't tell with all the fuzzy fur except for where her belly was shave to be neutered.  Now there are no worries because she is the bottomless pit in constant search of food and attention.  She will eat just about anything if it lands on the floor so I have to be really careful about what I leave laying about.  She has a bit of a sweet tooth and if the birds spill their fruit flavored pellets, dried fruit or even simple seed she gobbles them up.  I haven't had to really clean up a huge mess around the birds cages ever since Alice has moved in. :-p. 
Every time she sees me with something that could potentially be food, she is right there to investigate and try to taste.  She is pretty pretty quick to figure out when I'm heading to the kitchen and again, she's right there waiting for a taste.  In the mornings, she hops on the bed for a quick snuggle and scratchings with Benji and Gordo then she starts meowing for breakfast.  Who needs an alarm clock when you have a kitten who's stomach can tell time?

Now the only thing I really have to be concerned about with her is that I believe she has mild vision problem with judging depths and seeing in dimly lit rooms.  One of her pupils is smaller that the other, which is noticeable in the photo above and sometimes when she's trying to get a good look at something she cocks her head at a certain angle to look at it with one eye.  She also has a harder time seeing things when the light is dim so I suppose it's a good thing that I leave nightlights on for the birds.  With this visual impairment, it certainly limits her playing and knocking things over in the middle of the night, but don't worry because she makes up for it during the day.  The vet didn't say anything about it but I will keep an eye on her regarding her vision any way. You can hardly tell now that she is all settled in that there is anything wrong with her vision except when it gets dark.  I just find it odd that before I decided to adopt Alice that I was looking through the special needs animals to see if any would be a good fit for my home.  I suppose the universe decided for me :-). 

On to other news....
It seems that these last few months have been filled with "money pits" that I fall into just when I think I am in the clear.  It's just ridiculous.  I need to get my headlight casing replaced and it will cost around $350-when I had most of the money saved Caddy had passed and I got her cremated at $200.  Okay, start saving again for the headlight casing and then I have to go to the doctor to get my precancerous mole removed.  Again with draining money.  Start over again....oh but car decides to have it's automatic brake system to go out.  More money is required.  Awesome.  That will cost $80 for the scan and then what ever it will cost to fix the ABS. 
"Cry me a river".  This doesn't surprise me because this is just how things have run for me over the last few years.  It's really annoying but it's just how it is.  I know that as soon as I pay off the Debt Cancellation program then I will have a substantial amount of wiggle room available.  Just a little bit longer and then I will be done with it and will be able to breathe again.  I will be able to afford to go out again if I want to.  To be able to buy myself new clothes again when I need to.  I will be able to afford to go to a doctor and not have it break me.  To be able to get my freak'n car fixed again without sweating it!!  It's just a bump in my road...and I will drive over it.  Eventually.

Speaking of going to the doctors...
I finally got the mole that has been menacing my shoulder removed.  I really can't afford it but after the urgings of people that had seen in, I bit the bullet.  I will admit, I was afraid about going to the dermatologist.  I was afraid that he would recommend surgical removal (as you know I don't have the $$ for that).  I was picturing the worst possible scenario (which I am inclined to do anyway).  The thought of getting my lymph nodes in my armpit biopsied after taking a sample of my mole did not thrill me in the very least.  The idea of possibly loosing my arm or my life was a serious concern but I sucked it up and made the appointment.
I got to the office and they roomed me.  The exam room reminded me of a very tasteful fancy bathroom.  Except there weren't any toilets, just an exam chair.  The whole exam took about 15 minutes.  The doctor looked at all the moles really quick but paused at the problematic mole on my shoulder.  He didn't want to do a biopsy, he wanted to remove it right then and there.
That's when my hands got REAL sweaty.  Can you say "anxious"? 
The whole procedure was so simple, it's almost embarrassing to admit that I was anxious about it in the first place.  He numbed it up, took a razor and deeply shaved it off, popped it in a culture cup and put some silver nitrate on my wound so I would not bleed and then popped a bandaid on it.
That was it.
He sent the mole to UCSF labs to test for cancer and to make sure he took enough off.  I think he was playing it down for me because he knew I was really concerned about it.  I know it was precancerous and my only concern is that he did get it all off so I don't have to go back in and get the dreaded biopsy of the lymph nodes.  Biopsies hurt in case you didn't know.  I have had them before.  Very unpleasant experience.  So wish me luck on my lab results.

Talking about luck...
Casa de Fruta.  The Northern California Renaissance Fair  A wonderful fair that is filled with wonderful artisans and crafters as well as talented acts.  The setting is beautiful and there is something for everyone there.  I love this fair!
I had plans to work it this year.  Heck, I still might be able to pull it off if I am lucky and can pull off all the stupid financial crap that keeps popping up.  I'm still trying to figure how I am going to get there to at least get my pass so I can work a couple weekends.  Why did gas prices have to go up when I need to drive a lot?  I have a knack of figuring stuff out, I hope I can figure this one out soon because I really want to try to get there this year even if just for a couple weekends. I had pictured this being the last year as a Town Cryer because let's face it....I'm getting older and I don't look like any one's  young daughter anymore.  Heck, I'm 44 years old and I look more like someones "mom".  Unless of course I get a little cosmetic surgery done-then I would make it work for a few more years. Yeah, I'll just go out back and see if that money tree is ready to be harvested yet.
I love working fair and I love doing parades.  I knew there would be a time when my time as a Cryer would come to an end.  It just makes me wonder where I would fit in now that I am not doing marching and ringing bells?  I suppose there is something for me and it will become apparent with time.  I'm not big on the whole "pity party" thing so I won't be feeling sorry for myself for something that I knew was going to happen.  I'm not an actress, or a dancer or musician.  The only thing I am really good at is dealing with people and cooking. 
Meh.  I will worry about that when I come to it.  There are always booths, F.O.F. or even being a simple patron.  There are always options if we open ourselves to them.

Well, I have burned up enough of my morning with this blog and now I have to get ready to go to work.  Hope everyone has a good Wednesday and maybe I will see you at fair if the fates are kind to me!

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